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Joseph Madiath

Joseph Madiath has a Degree in English Literature from Madras University. He founded the Young Students Movement for Development and in 1971 led it to establish refugee camps during the Bangladesh war and later relief camps for cyclone-affected people in Orissa. In 1979, he established Gram Vikas. Joseph is a Founding Member of the Voluntary Association Network of India, Orissa Development Action Forum. He is a pioneer in rural development action for social mobilization, renewable energy, habitat development, natural resource management. Joseph is the recipient of awards including: India Best NGO Award, Resource Alliance, UK (2006); Social Life Time Achievement Award, Godfrey Phillips Red and White Bravery Awards (2006).

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Gram Vikas
Hybrid Social Enterprise
Gender Inequality; Food Security; Education; Agriculture, Food and Beverage; Infrastructure; Sustainable Development; India
Areas of Impact
South Asia, India

Gram Vikas

Gram Vikas works in rural development, including education, health, rural energy and infrastructure, livelihood and food security, sustainable environment and governance. Its vision is an equitable and sustainable society where people live in peace and dignity. Its mission is to promote processes which are sustainable, socially inclusive and gender equitable, to enable critical masses of poor and marginalized rural people or communities to achieve a dignified quality of life.


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