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Atossa Soltani

Atossa Soltani is Director of Global Strategy for the Amazon Sacred Headwaters Alliance, supporting a coalition of 30 Indigenous nations in Ecuador and Peru that aims to protect 35 million hectares of tropical rainforests by establishing a protected region that is off-limits to industrial-scale resource extraction. It advocates a new economic model, under Indigenous peoples’ stewardship, that prioritises the well-being of Indigenous communities, as well as the ecological integrity of the whole bioregion. Atossa is also the Founder and Board President of Amazon Watch, where she served as the first Executive Director for nearly two decades.

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Amazon Sacred Headwaters Alliance (Cuencas Sagradas Amazonicas)
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Non-profit Social Enterprise
Areas of Impact
Latin America, ASEAN

Amazon Sacred Headwaters Alliance (Cuencas Sagradas Amazonicas)

The Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative is building a shared vision among indigenous peoples, NGOs, the philanthropic community, social entrepreneurs and governments towards establishing a bi-national protected region – off-limits to industrial scale resource extraction, and governed in accordance with traditional indigenous principles of cooperation and harmony that foster a mutually enhancing human-Earth relationship. The Initiative is led by Amazonian indigenous federations CONFENIAE (Ecuador), AIDESEP (Peru), ORPIO, and COICA, in partnership with Pachamama Alliance, and Fundación Pachamama.


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